Wondering what the Skillet Throw is? How is it played?

Skillet Throw Contest Rules

Entry Fee: $30 per team, $40 after June 16th

Object: To accumulate points by knocking the head from the dummy using an underhand throw of the skillet. Each person will throw 3 times per round (3 different skillets at 3 different dummies).

Teams: This is team competition only. A team consists of five players. Teams must be registered with the National Skillet Throw Association by a deadline set by National Skillet Throw Association.

Alternates: Only one alternate is allowed to substitute for only one team, and may be substituted for a team member at any time during the contest.

Field of Play: An arena must be set up. A throwing line is 30 feet from the nose of the dummy to the throwing line. Each area of play will have 3 dummies. One will be standing, sitting on a chair, and sitting on the ground across the width of the arena.

Scoring: A hit on the body which removes the head is scored one point. A direct hit on the head which knocks off head is three points. Each team will throw as a unit and be scored as a unit.  There will be a scorekeeper and program announcer in the arena as well.

Miscellaneous: Underhand throws are all that is allowed, no over hand pitches or side arm throws, and no running throws. One foot must remain behind the line until skillet has been released. Only the team throwing will be allowed in the arena with the officials. There will be a line judge, two backfield judges, a scorekeeper and program announcer.

Determination of Champions: The total of the 5 team members will be added to make a team score. The team having the highest score will be the championship team. The top 10 scoring teams after two rounds will qualify for the semi-final round. All score will be reset to zero at the beginning of the Semi-Final round. The top 3 teams in the Semi-Final round will move on to the Final round to determine placings. Scores will NOT reset for the final round, the semi-final scores will carry over. The world’s champion will be the individual having the highest score. In the event an alternate is used, each individual will use their score to determine individual champion. Scores will not be added together except for team totals.

ALL judge’s decisions are final.

Any changes in rules will be explained before competition begins.